No. 1 Natural Sweetener for Healthy Immunity: Honey

 Honey has been used for its healing properties in Ancient Egypt and is still continued to be used for its medicinal value today. It’s more than just a tasty sweetener. Even though the sugar content in honey is considered to be quite high, it is still healthier for your body than granulated, powdered or any form of processed sugar. Organic and raw honey comes with a lot of health benefits, which is why it will always continue to be a crowd favourite sweetener.

It’s natural, it’s organic, and it boosts your immunity. Wondering how honey does it all? Read on to find out!

Honey is Rich in Antioxidants

The biggest health benefit of honey is that it is packed with antioxidants. They help your body heal and recover quickly and boost the overall immunity of your organs. It is rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium - the three micronutrients most often missing from our daily diet. One spoonful of honey in the morning with your cup of tea can really help you get your daily recommended nutrition (and don’t forget the amazing flavour that comes with it).

Honey for a Healthier Heart

Honey is packed with phytonutrients that aid a healthy heart and improve blood flow. Raw honey helps dilute the fat in your blood and helps in unclogging arteries as well. This reduces the risk of a heart ailment in those suffering from clogged arteries, high blood pressure, or cholesterol-related issues. Flavonoids and polyphenols, which are antioxidants present in honey, have also been linked to preventing heart disease.

Honey Helps Your Digestion

Honey also has immunity building properties in terms of digestion. It has been used time and time again as an effective means to treat stomach ulcers. The antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties have also been linked to treating digestive issues such as diarrhea. Another benefit of honey is that it is filled with probiotics, which help your stomach digest and process food more effectively.

Honey for Cough Treatment

If you’re down with a viral and are looking for a warm cup of tea - add honey to it! It helps soothe your sore throat and offers you a level of comfort similar to that of a warm blanket. It also helps reduce your cough as effectively as an over-the-counter cough syrup. All you have to do is have two spoonfuls of honey directly, and voila! Your cough is gone.

Boosting Your Immunity with Honey

Some other immunity boosting properties of honey include aiding tissue regeneration, killing harmful bacteria and germs, treatment of wounds, and more. Honey is also said to have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. 

What should you keep in mind when you’re purchasing honey?

Remember, honey works best when it is raw, unfiltered and unprocessed. Processing of honey reduces its effective antioxidant properties, and in turn, reduces its benefits. Make sure the place you are buying from has unpasteurized and unprocessed honey, because otherwise you’re just buying really expensive sugar. Organic honey is often sold straight from the beehive so it maintains its natural essence and taste.

What are the different ways you can consume honey?

You can have honey straight from the jar! It’s mouth-wateringly delicious. Honey can also be mixed with your granola, cereal, or any other recipe that requires a sweetener. A cup of tea with some lemon and a small spoonful of honey can aid weight loss as well. You can also use honey as a part of your marinade, or in your salad dressings!

Bees are truly exceptional beings - not just for what they do for the environment, but also for the bountiful honey they provide!


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