Iron Rich Foods : An Overview

Iron is an essential nutrient for the human body, and it's crucial to consume enough of it each day. Many people are surprised by this information because they don't know how important iron is to our health. Iron helps maintain red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. It also helps with growth and development in children, as well as supporting brain function in adults. There are many food sources that provide a good amount of iron per serving; here are some examples: lean meat, leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale, wheat germ and oatmeal (a favorite breakfast cereal). 

Iron is an essential nutrient for the human body. The average adult needs 7-10 grams of iron per day, and a pregnant woman requires 11-18 grams of iron per day. Iron deficiency can lead to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. As you can see in this blog post, there are many foods that contain high amounts of iron that you should include in your diet to avoid such deficiencies. 

Effects of Iron Deficiency on the Body: -

  1. Iron deficiency anaemia may cause problems with neurotransmission in your brain and motor coordination, both of which are necessary for other functions we do daily including thinking clearly and being able to move from one place to another without bumping into things or tripping over things. 

  2. An iron deficiency can also cause or be caused by blood sugar issues such as insulin resistance and/or type 2 diabetes. 

  3. In the event of a bacterial infection, people with iron deficiency anemia may have a harder time fighting it off because their immune system is already compromised.

1. Dried Figs (5.8 mg/100 g) : They are an excellent source of iron as it contains 5.8 mg of Iron per 100 g of fresh figs making it one of the richest sources found in nature and are also a better dietary source than other commonly consumed fruits like Oranges, Apples or Grapes where you need to consume more fruit to get the same amount of Iron content that is present in 1 cup of dried figs. 

Organic Dried Figs

2. Raisins and Dates (3 mg/100 g) : Plums, prunes, apricots and dates are good sources if not great but raisins have a good amount  of Iron and are also low in calories. 

Organic Raisins and Dates

3. Chickpeas (1 mg/100 g) : It is a good source of Iron for vegetarians as it contains 1 mg per 100 grams of chickpeas, which is 10% of daily recommended intake. In addition to that, chickpeas contain dietary fibers or roughage which helps to maintain regular bowel movement even after consuming foods high in Iron like legumes. 

Organic Chickpeas

4. Tofu (0.5 mg/100 g) : Japanese food has been considered one of the healthiest food choices you can make because they use soybeans frequently in their cuisine and tofu happens to be a great source if not the best vegetarian source for iron content ! Spinach : The iron content  in spinach is 0.5 mg per 100 grams of this superfood vegetable, which is 5% daily recommended intake of iron for vegetarians . Green peas (0.6mg/100g): Surprisingly the source of green peas happens to be an excellent vegetarian source of Iron ,containing 6mg per 100 grams and if you consume one cup its rich in iron content it would help a lot in making your body stay healthy !

Organic Tofu

The information in this blog post has been compiled to help you understand the importance of iron rich foods. Iron is an essential mineral that helps maintain a good energy level and supports red blood cell production for optimum health. This article also provides some great recipes for delicious, healthy dishes with plenty of iron. If you have any questions about what constitutes an iron-rich food or how much should be consumed per day, please don't hesitate to contact us by emailing  We are happy to answer all your queries!


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