5 Diabetes Friendly Snacks

Diabetes is a serious disease that requires constant monitoring and attention. One of the ways to

control your diabetes is by eating healthy snacks as opposed to junk food. Here are 11 diabetes friendly

snacks you can try out! 

It is not a very difficult task to take good care of yourself when you are diagnosed with diabetes.

The challenge lies in taking care of your loved ones. You might be really concerned about what they

will eat, the snacks that you so frequently shared before, have to be given up. But do not worry! Here

are some healthy snacks that can be easily shared by everyone: 

1. Guava and Banana Slices This treat is common on street corners all over Brazil; selling guava and banana slices could be

one way to make a living if done right! This is an excellent choice for those who love natural foods.

Guava packs a punch with vitamin C as well as calcium, fiber  and iron. Bananas can help as well with

the top four nutrients that diabetics require for their daily diet (vitamins A, C and E, and folate). 

Organic Guava and Banana
Organic Banana and Guava

2. Fresh Garden Snacks Garden vegetables are rich in vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin B6 which helps reduce levels of homocysteine in your

blood- a factor that is responsible for heart disease and artery damage due to diabetes. Tomatoes

prevent cardiovascular diseases by lowering cholesterol levels and regulating high blood pressure

while keeping you full for longer periods. Start this snack off by cutting up some tomatoes and

cucumbers into bite sized pieces before serving them with yogurt dip or hummus! This way you will

eat less but feel full faster! 

Organic Fresh Garden Snacks Garden vegetables
Organic Fresh Vegetable

3. Apples dipped in Peanut Butter Apples are a diabetic's go to snack due to the fiber, vitamins and minerals it delivers. Not only do you

get fiber but you also get protein from the peanut butter! This will fill up your tummy for long hours as


Organic Apples dipped in Peanut Butter
Apples Dipped in Peanut Butter

4. Celery sticks with Peanut butter Celery is a wonderful source of water along with some great

nutrients (vitamins B6 and C) that help lower blood pressure levels while keeping skin healthy. The

peanut butter adds protein which gives strength to muscles and helps them repair tissue better. It is

easy on the stomach too!

Organic Celery sticks with Peanut butter
Celery Sticks with Peanut Butter

5. Blueberries : Blueberries are high in fiber which make them a powerful tool against diabetes as

they help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent spikes after meals. Toss them into your shakes or

bake with blueberry muffin mix for delicious snacks that will have everyone wondering what your

secret is!

Organic Blueberries
Organic Blueberries

6. Pumpkin Seeds : Loaded with protein and unsaturated fats, pumpkin seeds are a fantastic snack

option for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They are also highly recommended by dietitians for their

ability to lower LDL cholesterol levels (the 'bad' kind) within just two weeks of consumption. The 5

most common ways to enjoy pumpkin seeds include salted, spicy, savory, sweet and even


Organic Pumpkin Seeds
Organic Pumpkin Seeds

If you want to know more about foods that are rich sources of vitamins , visit our website.

We will give you lots of tips for a healthy diet and also provide information on how much vitamin A

is in various types of fruits and vegetables. You can find out the nutritional value of any type of food with just one click!


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