Organic Supplements and Vitamins to Boost Your Immunity

 Do you find yourself coming down with colds and flus more often than not? If so, it may be that your immune system is in need of a boost. There are many natural ways to strengthen the body's defenses against illness by eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. However, there are also specially formulated supplements on the market that have been found to contain ingredients that can help support our immunity through different methods. 

It's important to remember when buying any supplement or vitamin that they must come from high-quality companies in order to provide maximum benefits for your health. This blog post will explore some of the top organic supplements and vitamins on the market today which can help boost your immunity naturally!

Have you noticed that during the rainy months, there are a lot more cases of flu and colds? And these diseases last longer than usual. It's not only because we expose ourselves to wet weather more often, but also because our body isn't strong enough to overcome infections as easily during this time of year. strengthen your immune system without using medicine. 

Here are some natural tips for boosting your immunity: 

1) Garlic- is one of the best medicines against viral infections and recommended by many doctors worldwide. You can have it raw or cooked in soups or stews. The most expensive garlic pills are not necessary at all. Normal size cloves are just as effective when eaten twice a day (for example put in your scrambled  eggs in the morning). 

2) Zinc- is really good for boosting your immune system and protecting you from all kinds of infections. You can have it as a supplement, but I prefer making sure there's plenty zinc in whatever food you eat. This is why I'm such a big fan of seaweed- very rich in zinc which so many people lack on a daily basis. Another important source is pumpkin seeds that are especially good for men when it comes to prostate health. 

3) Bee products- honey or propolis can help boost your immune system because they contain powerful antioxidants which act against germs and viruses. And if you're wondering how healthy bee products can be, just think of how much pollen bees are exposed  to during the season. Their immune system has to be really powerful in order to fight constant infections when they collect pollen and nectar for honey.

4) Olive oil- I'm sure you know olive oil is great for your skin, hair and nails, but it's also very good for protecting us from viruses. You don't have to drink a glass of extra virgin olive oil a day (although there are people who do!) – just adding the right amount in your cooking will be enough to give your immunity some strong support.

5) Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C- Vitamin D is abundant in fish oils but can also be found in egg yolks, cheese, fortified milk and cereal grains.  The problem is, many people can't eat these foods on a daily basis. Additionally, sunshine (which the body converts to vitamin D) may be more scarce during certain parts of the year in some areas. And let's face it: not everyone eats fish or takes vitamins. Taking a supplement that combines vitamin D and C into one capsule can help boost immunity during flu season or whenever your health needs a little extra support. 


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