
Showing posts from July, 2021

Black Salt : Uses and Health Benefits

Salt is a necessary part of everyday life for most people and it comes in many different flavours. Black salt, also known as kala namak or Indian black salt , has been gaining popularity due to its unique flavor and health benefits. It's important to know what type of salt you're using and why because not all salts are created equally!  Black Salt is made from the rock mineral halite that was heated up in an oven until it became red hot (which turned it into pink-red). The rock then cooled down into a dark purple color which gives it the characteristic taste we associate with this type of salt. You can use black salt just like regular table salt but there are some advantages like : Benefits of black salt :  *Black salt contains a lot of iron, which is needed for healthy blood cells.  *Black Salt acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps to provide relief from joint pain. It has been shown in studies that black salt is more effective when it comes to relieving the pain caused by i

Iron Rich Foods : An Overview

Iron is an essential nutrient for the human body, and it's crucial to consume enough of it each day. Many people are surprised by this information because they don't know how important iron is to our health. Iron helps maintain red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout your body. It also helps with growth and development in children, as well as supporting brain function in adults. There are many food sources that provide a good amount of iron per serving; here are some examples: lean meat, leafy green vegetables like spinach or kale, wheat germ and oatmeal (a favorite breakfast cereal).  Iron is an essential nutrient for the human body. The average adult needs 7-10 grams of iron per day, and a pregnant woman requires 11-18 grams of iron per day. Iron deficiency can lead to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. As you can see in this blog post, there are many foods that contain high amounts of iron that you should include in your diet to avoid such deficiencies.

Things to Know About Sunflower Oil

  Sunflower oil is a common cooking ingredient, but it has many benefits you may not know about. It's a great source of vitamin E and contains high levels of linoleic acid, which helps to reduce inflammation in the body. To get the most out of your sunflower oil, be sure to store it away from light and heat sources so that its nutrients stay as intact as possible. Read on for more information about this delicious ingredient! Organic Sunflower Oil How is sunflower oil extracted and manufactured?  Sunflower oil is extracted from the seeds of sunflowers using a method that is much like that used to extract olive oil. Sunflower seeds are first sorted and cleaned, then crushed into a pulp using steel rollers rotating at high speed. The resulting mixture of water and crushed seed meal is pumped into an extraction machine, where it flows through fine filters which separate out the bran and germ from the clean seed flour (the endosperm). The protein-rich bran and germ can be added back f