
Showing posts from August, 2021

Organic Supplements and Vitamins to Boost Your Immunity

  Do you find yourself coming down with colds and flus more often than not? If so, it may be that your immune system is in need of a boost. There are many natural ways to strengthen the body's defenses against illness by eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. However, there are also specially formulated supplements on the market that have been found to contain ingredients that can help support our immunity through different methods.  It's important to remember when buying any supplement or vitamin that they must come from high-quality companies in order to provide maximum benefits for your health. This blog post will explore some of the top organic supplements and vitamins on the market today which can help boost your immunity naturally! Have you noticed that during the rainy months, there are a lot more cases of flu and colds? And these diseases last longer than usual. It's not only because we expose ourselves to wet weather more often, but also because our

A Visual Guide to Pulses

  Pulses are a type of legume, which means they're related to beans. They come in many different shapes and sizes with a wide range of colors. Pulses can be eaten fresh or dried and cooked for several hours until the whole bean is tender enough to eat.  Pulses are often ground into flour, providing protein-rich meals for people who don't have access to meat or dairy products. These simple ingredients provide a lot of nutrients that we need every day like fiber, iron, folate and magnesium. They also contain B vitamins such as thiamin (B1) riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5) and many more. There are different types of pulses that can be used as an ingredient. Here we will take a look at five types of pulses, which are:  Lentils : Lentils (Lens culinaris) belong to the legume family and include many varieties of beans including brown lentils, red lentils, black beluga lentils and green lentils. Lentil is an annual herbaceous plant which is grown for its seed pods.

Vitamin rich foods : An overview!

Many people are unaware of the different foods that contain vitamin A. However, this is an important nutrient for your eyesight and immune system. In addition to eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, you can also add these rich sources to your diet: carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, pumpkin seeds and mangoes. Now that you know what contains vitamin A in food form, it's time to find out how much you should eat per day!  As always we want our readers to be informed about how their health impacts their lives. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in eye sight as well as immunity; so knowing which foods contain it is key!  1. Apricot -Apricots are delicious fruits that can be used to make jams, juices and desserts. They have a beautiful orange color which is due to the presence of carotenoids like beta-carotene in them. The fruit has high amounts of vitamins A, C and E making it an ideal boost for the immune system. It also has antioxidant properties, therefore he

5 Diabetes Friendly Snacks

Diabetes is a serious disease that requires constant monitoring and attention. One of the ways to control your diabetes is by eating healthy snacks as opposed to junk food. Here are 11 diabetes friendly snacks you can try out!  It is not a very difficult task to take good care of yourself when you are diagnosed with diabetes. The challenge lies in taking care of your loved ones. You might be really concerned about what they will eat, the snacks that you so frequently shared before, have to be given up. But do not worry! Here are some healthy snacks that can be easily shared by everyone:  1. Guava and Banana Slices This treat is common on street corners all over Brazil; selling guava and banana slices could be one way to make a living if done right! This is an excellent choice for those who love natural foods. Guava packs a punch with vitamin C as well as calcium, fiber  and iron. Bananas can help as well with the top four nutrients that diabetics require for their daily diet (vitamins

Healthy Foods that Help to Gain Weight Fast

It's no secret that it can be hard to gain weight when you are naturally thin. With this blog post we’re going to share 15 healthy foods that will help you pack on the pounds in a healthy way, so you don't have to resort to any unhealthy options!  This is an informative post about how people can take care of their bodies and feel good while gaining weight. How many times do we see our favorite celebrities who are too thin for society's standards? We want them to look healthier and with this article they will find out how easy it is! 1) Nuts: Most nuts are very high in fat but also contain monounsaturated fats as well as minerals like manganese, folate, copper and magnesium. Walnuts specifically have been linked to improving blood cholesterol levels by decreasing the amount of LDL found in your body. In addition they provide a great source of plant-based omega 3 fatty acids which may help lower your risk for certain types of cancers, heart disease, and even early death! An